Objetivos y atención a la diversidad


These are the objectives that Artxandape Ikastola aims to achieve:

  1. Enable students to fully, integrally, and harmoniously develop their personality through personalized education and appropriate pedagogy of freedom, so that they can thrive in all areas of personal, family, social, and professional life.
  2. Connect students, groups, and the school with the social, economic, and cultural environment through channels of openness and communication that promote:
    • Education in the socio-cultural context and historical tradition of the Basque Country and Bizkaia, with all its values.
    • A critical and constructive evaluation of events and situations.
  3. Develop intellectual capacities and work techniques in balance with scientific and humanistic education, especially valuing and promoting initiatives and creativity.
  4. Educate in openness and appreciation of other peoples and cultures to know how to communicate and welcome the diversity of values, from a spirit of solidarity, cooperation, and peace.
  5. Cultivate a style of personal relationships and behavior habits that, based on genuine love, encourage active participation in the educational community and social life.
  6. Propose a Christian vision of the person, the world, and history, establishing a permanent dialogue between faith and changing culture, encouraging a way of life according to Gospel values, and educating in social awareness that leads to transformative commitment.
  7. Foster experiences of faith and expressions of fraternity that contribute to valuing the sense of belonging to the local and universal Church.
  8. Educate in the equality of rights, without any discrimination based on gender or social status.
  9. Educate in respect, care, and improvement of the environment, developing personal and collective sensitivity towards the natural environment and raising awareness for balanced consumption.
  10. Promote creative capacity, developing each person’s potential to the fullest.
  11. Cultivate a constructive critical spirit, guiding towards problem-solving or new alternatives.
Attention to Diversity

Living in a plural society where education recognizes the diversity among students, we will implement adaptable teaching in the planning, development, and evaluation of teaching/learning activities, adjusting to the capacities and different levels of individual development of students.

Response to Diversity

Based on our educational model, identity, integral education, and education in values, it is coherent that we respond to school integration, which is a basic learning for social integration.

This action plan will help students achieve the capabilities of compulsory education according to their possibilities and with the maximum possible integration into the group to which they belong.

  • Students with socio-cultural educational disadvantages.
  • Students with educational needs related to a physical, psychological, or sensory disability.
  • Students with high abilities.


Treatment Measures

A Curriculum Adaptation is any adjustment or modification made to the different elements of the common curriculum to respond to the educational needs of the student.

Types of Adaptations

  • Access adaptations to the curriculum.
  • Non-significant curricular adaptations or educational reinforcement.
  • Significant curricular adaptations (A.C.I.).
  • Curricular diversification.

Phases of Curriculum Adaptation

Planning or Design Didactic Intervention

Diagnostic and Prognostic Evaluation.

Analysis of Problems and Difficulties.

Setting Objectives, Contents, and Evaluation Criteria.

Within the Classroom.

Support Classroom.

Grouping of Students.

Teaching Activities.

Functions of Curriculum Adaptation

  • Define the educational response to be offered to the student with special educational needs (SEN) so that the sequences of the teaching-learning process to be achieved are clearly specified.
  • Specify and justify the need for specific resources, both human and material, establishing the purpose and the expected time required.
  • Organize the coordinated action of the different professionals involved in the educational action (tutor, teacher, pedagogue, etc.).
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  • Pribatutasun politika

Pribatutasun politika

Datu pertsonalen tratamenduari eta datu horien zirkulazio askeari dagokienez pertsona fisikoak babesteari buruzko 2016ko apirilaren 27ko Europako Parlamentuaren eta Kontseiluaren (EB) 2016/679 Erregelamenduan ezarritakoari jarraituz, honen berri jakinarazten dizugu:

Nor da zure datuen tratamenduaren arduraduna?

ARTXANDAPE IKASTOLA da datuen tratamenduaren arduraduna (helbidea: Anselma de Salces 1 Bis,48007 Bilbo; eta IFK: R4800612-F).
Datuak babesteko legeari jarraituz, ikastetxeak datuak babesteko delegatua izendatu du (DPO / Data Protection Officer), hain zuzen, Bultz-Lan Consulting.
Gure DPOrekin harremanetan jartzeko, idatzi e-posta honetara: dpo@elizbarrutikoikastetxeak.org

Datu pertsonalen tratamenduaren helburua

Zure datu pertsonalak helburu hauetarako tratatu ahal izango dira:

  • Matrikula formalizatzeko.
  • Gure ikastetxean ikasteko egindako informazio-eskaerak kudeatzeko.
  • Gure jardueren eta eskaintza akademikoaren berri emateko
  • Gure zerbitzuak garatzeko eta egiteko.
  • Eskaintzen ditugun hezkuntza-zerbitzuen ondoriozko lege-betebeharrak betetzeko.

Zure datuak tratatzeko legezko legitimazioa

Zure datuak tratatzeko lege-oinarria interesdunak emandako baimena da. Bestalde, ikastetxe honek legitimazioa du bere ikasleen datu pertsonalak tratatzeko, Hezkuntzako Lege Organikoari jarraituz (HEO).

Noiz arte gordeko ditugu zure datuak?

Ikaslearen espedienteari buruzko datuak mugarik gabe gordeko dira, Hezkuntzako Lege Organikoari jarraituz.

Harremanetan jartzeko datu pertsonalak, berriz, interesdunak ezabatzeko eskatzen ez duen arte gordeko dira.

Lege-betebeharrak betetzeko tratatutako datuak ezar daitekeen legeriak finkatutako epean gordeko dira.

Harpidetutako jakinarazpen elektronikoak bidaltzeko datuak newsletter-ean baja eman arte eta/edo datuen aurka egiteko edo ezabatzeko eskubidea erabili arte gordeko dira.

Nori jakinarazi ahal izango zaizkio zure datuak?

Zuk emandako datu pertsonal zehatz batzuk lehen aipatutako helburuetarako laga ahal izango dira.

Hain zuzen, ikasleak hezkuntza-ibilbidean aurrera egitean izandako beste ikastetxe batzuei; ikasleak jarduera osagarrietan parte hartzeko eta/edo eskola-trukeak egiteko izandako instituzioei eta enpresei, guraso-elkarteei eta ikastetxeko ikasle zaharren elkarteari, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Hezkuntza Sailari, finantza-erakundeei –matrikularen eta kuota akademikoen ordainketa kudea dezaten–, eta eskola-aseguruaren kontratazioaz arduratzen den aseguru-konpainiari; oro har, legeak baimendutako kasu guztietan laga ahal izango dira datuak.


Zure datuak eskuratu, zuzendu, ezabatu eta mugatzeko eskubideak, eta datuak babesteko araudian jasotako bestelako eskubideak erabili ahal izango dituzu, goian adierazitako helbidera gutuna bidalita edo e-posta honetara idatzita: ikastola@artxandape.net Zuzenbidean baliozkoa den proba bat ere bidali beharko duzu –esaterako, NANaren fotokopia–, eta gaian hau jarri: “Datuen babesa”.

Horri dagokion idazkia lotura hauetatik jaitsi ahal da:

Horrez gain, aditzera ematen dizugu eskubidea duzula erreklamazioa aurkezteko, zure datu pertsonalen tratamendua dela-eta, Datuak Babesteko Espainiako Agentziaren aurrean. Hala ere, zure datuak era egokian tratatu ez ditugula uste baduzu, harremanetan jar zaitezke gure datuak babesteko delegatuarekin, helbide honetan: dpo@elizbarrutikoikastetxeak.org

Datuen segurtasuna

Zuk emandako informazio pertsonala konfidentzialtasunez tratatuko dugu, eta behar diren segurtasun-neurriak hartuko ditugu, baimenik ez duten hirugarrenek ez eskuratzeko, eta baimenik gabe aldatu, galdu edo trata ditzaten saihesteko.