Actividades extraescolares

Ikusi pantaila osoa / Ver a pantalla completa

Dossier jointly developed by the school and the AMPA (Parents’ Association).
As in previous school years, this year you will also find activities for families.

All this information is also available on the AMPA blog.

If you have any questions, you can send an email to, and we will try to resolve them.

Extracurricular Activities Procedure
Registration, requirements, deadlines...


Registration will be open from May 20th to 31st, and it can be canceled within this time frame.

On June 17th, the accepted registrations will be confirmed through Educamos.

From September 1st to 8th, registration will reopen for activities with available spots or those where the number of sign-ups has not been sufficient to form a group. During this period, registration can also be canceled.

Once the registration periods are over, enrollment will proceed, and cancellations will no longer be possible.


To enroll in an activity, all current and past fees, both for extracurricular activities and the AMPA, must be up to date.

Students from other schools wishing to participate in extracurricular activities at Artxandape Ikastola must complete the registration form provided by the administration and obtain the necessary authorizations from their home school.

For activities that require attendance two days per week, enrollment for only one day per week will not be permitted.

Late Registrations

Once an activity has started, new registrations will only be accepted, with the approval of the activity leader, on the following dates:

  • From September 18th to October 8th, starting the activity on October 14th.
  • From December 18th to 22nd, starting the activity on December 16th.
  • From March 18th to 22nd, starting the activity on March 17th.

Selection of Applications

If the number of applications for an activity exceeds the available spots, they will be assigned by lottery.

Activities Calendar

Start Date: All activities will begin on September 16, 2024.
End Date: Cultural activities will end on June 13, 2025, and sports activities (athletics and basketball) will end on May 30.
Exception: The Euskara B2 course will start on October 1 and end in late May.

Maximum and Minimum Enrollment

  • For cultural activities, the minimum and maximum number of students depends on the specific activity.
    The formation of new sports teams will be subject to space limitations and the restrictions outlined in the “general sports group rules of Artxandape Ikastola“, available on the website.
    Minimum number of participants to form a team:
    Basketball: 9
    Sports initiation: 11
    Others: 11

Payment for Activities

Payment for extracurricular activities will be made quarterly, through a direct debit from the same account used for Ikastola payments. The invoice will cover only extracurricular activities and will be charged during the first half of November, January, and April.

Families who do not pay the quarterly fees and do not provide justification for the non-payment will automatically be withdrawn from the activity. In addition, the payment will be reissued with added bank charges for the returned payment.

Activity Withdrawal or Change

Requests to withdraw must be made during the last two weeks of the current term, i.e., the last two weeks of December and March. After this period, no refunds will be issued for the charged amount.
Withdrawals can be made earlier in the following situations:

  • Illness.
  • Relocation.
  • Transfer to another school.
  • Non-payment of fees.
  • Other justifiable reasons.

Changes in activities may be made within each term if the student has not adapted to the initially chosen activity (provided there are available spots).


The established schedules may undergo changes depending on the number of completed groups.

To ensure the viability of teams registered in competitions, enrollment in team activities (school/federated sports) implies a commitment to participate throughout the year. Withdrawal during the year is only allowed for the reasons indicated above.

Student/Family Rights and Obligations

  • Correctly complete the registration with the student’s details.
  • Enrollment in an activity implies a commitment to remain for at least one term.
  • Report absences from the course.
  • Make payments for the activity according to the conditions mentioned above.
  • Properly care for and handle the provided materials.
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  • Pribatutasun politika

Pribatutasun politika

Datu pertsonalen tratamenduari eta datu horien zirkulazio askeari dagokienez pertsona fisikoak babesteari buruzko 2016ko apirilaren 27ko Europako Parlamentuaren eta Kontseiluaren (EB) 2016/679 Erregelamenduan ezarritakoari jarraituz, honen berri jakinarazten dizugu:

Nor da zure datuen tratamenduaren arduraduna?

ARTXANDAPE IKASTOLA da datuen tratamenduaren arduraduna (helbidea: Anselma de Salces 1 Bis,48007 Bilbo; eta IFK: R4800612-F).
Datuak babesteko legeari jarraituz, ikastetxeak datuak babesteko delegatua izendatu du (DPO / Data Protection Officer), hain zuzen, Bultz-Lan Consulting.
Gure DPOrekin harremanetan jartzeko, idatzi e-posta honetara:

Datu pertsonalen tratamenduaren helburua

Zure datu pertsonalak helburu hauetarako tratatu ahal izango dira:

  • Matrikula formalizatzeko.
  • Gure ikastetxean ikasteko egindako informazio-eskaerak kudeatzeko.
  • Gure jardueren eta eskaintza akademikoaren berri emateko
  • Gure zerbitzuak garatzeko eta egiteko.
  • Eskaintzen ditugun hezkuntza-zerbitzuen ondoriozko lege-betebeharrak betetzeko.

Zure datuak tratatzeko legezko legitimazioa

Zure datuak tratatzeko lege-oinarria interesdunak emandako baimena da. Bestalde, ikastetxe honek legitimazioa du bere ikasleen datu pertsonalak tratatzeko, Hezkuntzako Lege Organikoari jarraituz (HEO).

Noiz arte gordeko ditugu zure datuak?

Ikaslearen espedienteari buruzko datuak mugarik gabe gordeko dira, Hezkuntzako Lege Organikoari jarraituz.

Harremanetan jartzeko datu pertsonalak, berriz, interesdunak ezabatzeko eskatzen ez duen arte gordeko dira.

Lege-betebeharrak betetzeko tratatutako datuak ezar daitekeen legeriak finkatutako epean gordeko dira.

Harpidetutako jakinarazpen elektronikoak bidaltzeko datuak newsletter-ean baja eman arte eta/edo datuen aurka egiteko edo ezabatzeko eskubidea erabili arte gordeko dira.

Nori jakinarazi ahal izango zaizkio zure datuak?

Zuk emandako datu pertsonal zehatz batzuk lehen aipatutako helburuetarako laga ahal izango dira.

Hain zuzen, ikasleak hezkuntza-ibilbidean aurrera egitean izandako beste ikastetxe batzuei; ikasleak jarduera osagarrietan parte hartzeko eta/edo eskola-trukeak egiteko izandako instituzioei eta enpresei, guraso-elkarteei eta ikastetxeko ikasle zaharren elkarteari, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Hezkuntza Sailari, finantza-erakundeei –matrikularen eta kuota akademikoen ordainketa kudea dezaten–, eta eskola-aseguruaren kontratazioaz arduratzen den aseguru-konpainiari; oro har, legeak baimendutako kasu guztietan laga ahal izango dira datuak.


Zure datuak eskuratu, zuzendu, ezabatu eta mugatzeko eskubideak, eta datuak babesteko araudian jasotako bestelako eskubideak erabili ahal izango dituzu, goian adierazitako helbidera gutuna bidalita edo e-posta honetara idatzita: Zuzenbidean baliozkoa den proba bat ere bidali beharko duzu –esaterako, NANaren fotokopia–, eta gaian hau jarri: “Datuen babesa”.

Horri dagokion idazkia lotura hauetatik jaitsi ahal da:

Horrez gain, aditzera ematen dizugu eskubidea duzula erreklamazioa aurkezteko, zure datu pertsonalen tratamendua dela-eta, Datuak Babesteko Espainiako Agentziaren aurrean. Hala ere, zure datuak era egokian tratatu ez ditugula uste baduzu, harremanetan jar zaitezke gure datuak babesteko delegatuarekin, helbide honetan:

Datuen segurtasuna

Zuk emandako informazio pertsonala konfidentzialtasunez tratatuko dugu, eta behar diren segurtasun-neurriak hartuko ditugu, baimenik ez duten hirugarrenek ez eskuratzeko, eta baimenik gabe aldatu, galdu edo trata ditzaten saihesteko.